Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1956
Daughter of emigrants during the twentieth century who, despite its violence, had countries that opened their borders, welcoming those who fled. Zina is born to a German father (escaped from Hitler), Italian socialist grandfather (Mussolini) and Romanian or Russian grandmother (according to which document you read) (Pogroms). Her family traditional involvement is with textile industry and photography. Zina studies painting in several workshops, but under Kenneth Kemble she learns to see and appreciate image and in his workshop was also a teacher ; drawing and sculpture under Aurelio Macchi, who taught her the value of emptiness and the unseen…the «behindness» of things .She attended seminars by Horacio Zabala, Julio Sánchez and Rodrigo Alonso. Has participated in exchanges with Valeria González and Patricia Hakim.
Since 2003, Zina dedicates her work to translate from one media to another, she uses photography (the current mechanical-electronic process) which she translates into textile, the photography disappears becoming an image of yarn and needle (millennial craft process), by doing so she travels from present to past. The unseen present of a wild hidden past. She constantly exposes the hidden backside of an embroidered pattern: the opposite side of the clear-cut image, showing the rough side of the stitching, often messy and interweaved, and exposing the actual and psychological ties among the different persons represented within an insinuated context.
She also invited people to eat on an embroidered tablecloth containing political and social matters while filming and recording the conversations of the guests during their meal; or rode a bicycle 60 km to meet different artists on the way ,having a conversation under an embroidered awning; or exchanged art pieces for a photo with the people which later Zina embroidered on cardboard boxes of known products (soaps, spaghetti,,) and exhibited in art galleries. And he foresaw the «selfie» when in 2003 for a whole year she photographed herself with her Olympus as we do with today’s selfies, only she had to finish the roll and wait a week for the results.
Zina’s work has been displayed locally and internationally in several galleries in Buenos Aires (Arg.), Santa Fe (Arg.), Cordoba (Arg.), La Plata (Arg.), Salta (Arg.), Panama City (Panama), Bogota (Colombia), Porto Alegre (Brazil) and San Pablo (Brazil), Miami (EE.UU.), and Paris (France), Bonn, (Germany). Amongst her most recent accomplishments, she has received an Honorable Mention from the Eduardo Sivori Municipal Tapestry Salon, and is also a 3 time awarded with an Honorable Mention from the National Visual Arts Salon, textiles division and in 2014 Zina was granted with a monthly rent by the National Visual Arts Institution, when receiving the Gran Premio de Honor in the textile category of the (Salón Nacional de Artes Visuales) (Arg.).
Her work has been published in the journal Metal N1 of the National University of La Plata and in the digital book on Contemporary Argentine Drawing presented by Cultural Patronage, Itau and PROA and in De Fil en Aiguille, Pyramyd Edition in France.
In 2017/2018 she has been in Residency in the Cité International des Arts in a project with L’Atelier des artistes en exil.
Zina is part of Fiber Art Fever (France) and Gansa Humanidad (Argentina)
She resides and works between Buenos Aires and Patagonia, Argentina.
1979/88 Taller de Kenneth Kemble
1982/86 Taller de Aurelio Macchi
1987/89 Taller Luis Barragá
1987/89 MEEBA
1987/89 Estímulo de Bellas Artes
GEOGRAFIAS DE LIBERTAD . Residencia en Cité des arts para trabajar con artistas exiliados pidiendo asilo a Francia . aa-e.org
TOLDO EXPEDICIONARIO. Un largo camino en bicicleta de Buenos Aires a La Plata. Descentrificación, http://artexpedicionario.blogspot.com.ar
REGISTRO ANUAL ANALOGICO. 2003/2004, 2.341 contactos, Antes de Facebook.
LA MATANZA FASHION&ART-MERCADERIA- Cajas de Cartón de productos de primera necesidad bordados con fotos de vecinos que circulan en espacios de arte. 2007/2019
PARA MOSTRAR QUE TENGO AMIGOS. Comer alrededor de un mantel bordado con artículos e imágenes de Revistas de interés general, escogidos por su contenido. 2011/2014
Muestras individuales
2019 La Botica del Angel . USAL. AR
2018 Visions d’exil, 164 nuits, Cité Internationale des Art
2017 Desterrados, Agora Artist Studio, Bonn, GE
2016 Lo que se hereda no se Roba, Central de Procesos, San Isidro, AR
2013 Carla Rey- Arte Blogarte.org, ARG
2011 Para Mostrar que tengo amigos, Carla Rey Arte Contemporáneo, AR
2008 Más allá de la Urdimbre, Caja de Arte, AR
2007 La Imagen de la Imagen, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Sala 8. AR
2006 La Matanza Fashion and art, Bony Bullrich- Raul Castells, AR
2005 Zina Katz, 1/1 Caja de Arte. AR
1997 Así habla Zinhablar, Martina Cèspedes ,AR
1993 Katz/Katz, Ro-Ar, AR
Muestras Colectivas Seleccionadas
2019 Festival du Lin, Normandie. FR.
2019 Derivaciones, Universidad UADE. AR
2019 Empreinte textile, Centre culturel André Malraux, Agen. FR
2017 Visions d’exil, Festival, L’Atelier des artistes en Exil, Cité Internationale des Arts, FR
2017 VII Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art, Montevideo. UR
2017 Punto de Inflexión, Ambos Mundos, AR
2016 Lo que se hereda no se roba, Central de Procesos, Cultura San Isidro. AR
2015 Salon L’Aiguille-en-Fete, Porte de Versailles, Paris FR
2014 Inspirations Latines, Gallerie Ko21,Fiberartfever, Paris. FR
2014 Aquí se cuecen Habas, Ambos Mundos, AR
2013 Entre el Retorno y la Partida, Museo de arte Contemporáneo de Salta, Salta. AR
2012 II Bienal Universitaria de Arte y Cutura, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de La Plata.AR
2012 Nuevas tendencias de Arte Textil, Quinta Trabucco, Vte. López, AR.
2012 Ilumina. Festival de la Luz- Ushuaia. AR
2011 Museo Municipal Textil, CABA, AR
2011 Homenaje a Aurelio Macchi, Museo Quinquela Martín, AR
2011 Toldo Expedicionario, realizacion.
2010 Galería Sextante, Libros de artista, Bogotá, CO
2009 Papel, Sujeto_Objeto, Palais de Glace, AR
2009 Casa Ensamble, Bogotá, CO
2009 VI World Textil Art, AR
2009 Textil, Ro-ar ,Curado por Roxana Oliver, Bue, AR
2008 Intercabios , Arte x Arte, AR
2008 Bienal Municipal Textil CABA, AR
2008 Salón Pampeano de Arte Textil, La Pampa, AR
2007 ArteBA ,Caja de arte. AR
2007 Zigzag, Galería Atica, Bue, AR
2006 La Matanza Fashion & Arts, Curado por Bony Bullrich y Raúl Castells, La Matanza, AR
2006 Pinacoteca Barao de Santo Angelico, Instituto de arte UFRJS, Porto Alegre, BR
2006 V Salón Dibujo Diario La Capital, Museo Castagnino, Rosario, AR
2006 Zigzag, Galería Berenice Arvani, Curaduría Horacio Zabala, San Pablo, BR
2006 Afetos Roubados no tempo, Instalación itinerante, BR
2006 ArteBA, 1/1 Caja de Arte,AR
2006 Sub-versiones, Galeria Isidro Miranda, Bue, AR
2006. Salon Diario La Capital
2005 ArteBa, 1/1 Caja de Arte, AR
2005 Museo Municipal de Rafaela. AR
2005 Centro de Investigación La Caverna, Rosario. AR
2004 Museo Nacional de Santa Fe, AR
2004 Museo Nacional del Grabado, CABA, AR
2004 La suerte es loca, Galeriía Paola Schmitt, PA
2004 Casa de la Cultura de Pergamino, Bue, AR
2004 ArteBA, Caja de Arte, AR
1996 ArteBA, Galería Martina Céspedes, SanTalmo.AR
2014. Gran Premio Adquisición Salón Nacional de Artes Visuales, Textil.
2009. Mención Salón Nacional de Artes Visuales, Textil. Mención Salón Municipal de Tapiz Eduardo Sivori, Bienal 2008-2009.
2007. Mención 96 Salón Nacional de Artes Visuales. Textil.
2006. Mención 95 Salón Nacional de Artes Visuales. Textil. V Salón Diario La Capital, El Dibujo, Santa Fe, AR
Fundación Start. Bola de Nieve https://www.boladenieve.org.ar
Libro digital “Dibujo Contemporáneo en la Argentina”-Edicion Fundación Itau_PROA.https://www.fundacionitau.org.ar/dibujo-contemporaneo-en-la-argentina
Revista Metal Cocido. Universidad de la Plata http://papelcosido.fba.unlp.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/metal
Libro Impreso, De fils en Aiguille.La broderie dans l’art contemporain. Ediciones Pyramyd, Francia Tenou’a. Text and textil http://tenoua.org
Cañechat con Rodrigo Cañete. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAf0TK9dvnc
Pertenece al colectivo Francés de arte textil Fiberertfever https://fiberartfever.com y a GANSA HUMANIDAD, un proyecto transmedia interdisciplinario y de intercambio, en red abierta, generado por artistas. https://gansahumanidad.wixsite.com