I am Loader!

Maria Villanueva

164 nuits

164 NUITSResidency in the Cité Internationale des arts, Paris, France, 2018. 164 NIGHTS are the ones I spent embroidering photos for imaginary documents of the artists with whom I shared the workshop at L’atelier des Artistas en Exil. All of them waiting for an answer to their asylum request to France. Some may stay, others, …

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once there was away…

ONCE THERE WAS A WAY… (Beatles)Residency in the Cité Internationale des arts with a project carried out together with L’atelier des artistes en Exil. Paris, France, 2018 My fellow artists abandon our project. The exhibition has no meaning for them, art for art’s sake. L’atelier des artists in exil needs “the object” of art to …

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geographies of freedom

GEOGRAPHIES OF FREEDOMResidency in the Cité Internationale des arts, 2018 I saw many people in a street situation in Paris and lots of discarded mattresses. I photographed them. I investigated old encyclopedias I found, discarded words that referred to what I saw, limited to the letters of each volume. I found: Class, Selection and Social. …

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the skin

THE SKINPerformanceExhile Fundation , Paris, France, 2018 Performance of a group of exiled artists waiting for the answer to their asylum request.Dress like that «other» subject to be accepted. How do I show myself?Each piece made by me is strange, three sleeves, two necklines, legs instead of sleeves or vice versa.The premise is to wear …

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UNEARTH 2018 This work focuses on exile and migration of my family. They were expelled from Europe in the 20th century, all migrated to Argentina.» These small pieces are my interpretation after going through the story of each family member.  The result is a set of embroideries and short texts that contribute to the memory …

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the reverse of the weft

THE REVERSE OF THE WEFT2011-2018 Je traverse le tissu avec l’aiguilleJe couds la photoDe l’autre coté le fil se libèrePour broder ce qui est caché Atravieso la tela con mi agujaPunteo la fotoDel otro lado el hilo se liberaBordando el secreto

la imagen de la imagen

THE IMAGE OF THE IMAGEEmbrodery2008-2011I embroy the opposite side of the clear cut image, showing the rough side of the stitching, often messy and interweaved, and exposing the ties among the different  persons represented.

to show that I have friends

TO SHOW THAT I HAVE FRIENDSCarla Rey Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2011Ambos Mundos Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2014 TO SHOW THAT I HAVE FRIENDSAn invitation made to Cultural managers to gather and eat around a tablecloth embroidered with texts and images taken from Magazines of general interest, which articules are chosen for their empty, perverse …

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